Color Guide | Palm Beach Microblad
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An Easy Color Guide to Choosing Your Eyebrow Color for Microblading

As with hair and nails, you can choose any color or pigment to make your brows as subtle or dramatic in appearance as you wish.

The Fitzpatrick Scale

This chart uses a combination of skin color, hair color, and eye color to determine the best shade for your microblading pigment.

Type 1

Light skin

Red hair

Green eyes

Type 2

Light skin

Blonde hair

Blue eyes

Type 3

Medium skin

Brown hair

Brown eyes

Type 4

Medium-dark skin

Brown-black hair

Brown-black eyes

Type 5

Dark skin

Black hair

Black eyes

Type 6

Black skin

Black hair

Black eyes

Using this color chart, personal preferences, and the natural shade of your existing eyebrows, your microblading artist can select an ideal color match.

Cool Palette

The cool palette contains eyebrow colors that are ideal for people with fair skin and rosy complexions. The colors in this palette can have subtle ash-grey or even green to ultramarine blue undertones. However, they don’t contain any red pigmentation. Once applied, the undertones in your skin will affect the color of the brows. Colors in a cool palette look soft blonde or light brown once applied.

Neutral Palette

Colors in the neutral palette can still be used for people with fair skin. However, they are better for individuals who have darker undertones (such as blue and brown). The colors in the neutral range contain some red pigmentation. The red undertones, such as alizarin crimson or cadmium red, blend nicely with darker fair skin, but they are too pronounced on the fairest skin tones.

Warm Palette

Eyebrow colors in this category are reserved for people who have darker skin with either olive, umber color, or chocolate-colored undertones. Many people with brown and black hair fall into this category. Skin that tans easily tends to also be a good candidate for eyebrow shades in this range.

Color Palettes

Color for eyebrow microblading pigment can also be determined based on the warmth (tone) of a client’s skin. The three main categories are: pale and rosy, olive and tan, or deep-hued and dark.

Depending on these warmth levels, your ideal eyebrow color can be determined by a color palette. They are essentially divided between light, medium, and dark skin types.

Keep in mind that while your eyebrow color can generally be matched to your skin tone, eye color, and hair color, it can also be determined by the end result that you want.

For instance, a more solid brow design might use colors in the neutral or warm palette range. But if you want lighter individual hair strokes, your microblading artist might choose a color in the cool palette range instead.

Palettes We Offer

Mid value with a yellow base. Perfect for clients who want an ash-based eyebrow. 



Mid to dark value with a yellow base.  Perfect for clients who are greying with ‘salt & pepper’ hair.

Light value with a yellow base. Perfect for clients who want a super-natural look.


Mid value with an orange base.  Perfect for clients who want a soft look that is neither too dark. or too light.

Dark value with orange base. Perfect for clients who want a more defined look.

Dark value with orange base. Perfect for clients who want a bolder, stronger look.


Dark value with yellow base. Perfect for clients who need as much depth as possible. 

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